Thursday, October 14, 2010


If you are in any battle today, I want you to know that you can win. Whether it is a deadly sickness or a wayward child, you can win! My closest friend lost his mother to stroke, by the time they started to respond to her condition, the infirmity had already eaten deep into her system, at that time she did not need medical care, she needed a miracle. Do not get to that point ever! Tackle any sickness as it comes and do not bow out. Another friend of mine had a similar experience with her father but he pulled through because they took him to the doctors early and gave him a lot of love and support. She said sometime the doctors’ reports were good, at other times it was a complete disaster but they stayed positive and kept their dad positive. They did not mess with his medications and they tried as much as possible to give him a normal life while he was sick. He was not always in bed because that would have given him bed sores and that is so terrible especially for diabetic people. They played with him and gave him much to want to live for, not for once did they show any frustration because of the sacrifices they had to make to give him all the care they did. Yes it was a big drain but they kept the end in sight and today the man is free, agile and very well.

That is how to tackle sickness…tackle it with heart and might, you can win; you would win.

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